Supplemental Light for Chickens? Be Honest About THIS…

Supplemental Light for Chickens? Be Honest About THIS…

It’s one of the dividing wedges that can be driven straight through the chicken community: should you use supplemental light for chickens during the shorter days of the year? (Don’t want to read all the words? This blog post is also a podcast—just press the 

5 Things Baby Chicks Need

5 Things Baby Chicks Need

If you are thinking about trying your hand at baby chicks, that’s awesome! You’re totally in for some fun. But first we should have a little chat about five things baby chicks need in order to have a safe and happy life at your homestead 

It’s Perfectly Okay If You Don’t Free Range Your Chickens

It’s Perfectly Okay If You Don’t Free Range Your Chickens

Friends, I’m going to be bold and give you my opinion about something chicken-ish. Ready? Here goes: I think it’s perfectly okay if you don’t free range your chickens. (Don’t want to read all the words? This blog post is also a podcast—just press the 

Death: It’s Part of Life on the Homestead

Death: It’s Part of Life on the Homestead

Death. It’s that very real part of homesteading that no one really likes to talk about much. Dealing with animal death on the homestead is a touchy subject, but it’s one that really can’t be ignored. If you have animals on your homestead, you will, at 

Keeping a Rooster? Tips You’ll Need

Keeping a Rooster? Tips You’ll Need

A hen is a delightful feathered friend who will provide you with both eggs and entertainment. But in deciding to bring hens to your farm, you also need to decide if you will keep a rooster as well. Do you actually need a rooster? What 

Cornish Cross vs. Red Rangers: Our Meat Bird Experiment

Cornish Cross vs. Red Rangers: Our Meat Bird Experiment

After several years of raising Cornish Cross chickens as our meat birds, we decided it was time to compare them to another meat bird we’d been hearing a lot about: Red Rangers. So we did an experiment. I bet you’re here because you want to 

Should You Sell Chicken Eggs? A few things to consider…

Should You Sell Chicken Eggs? A few things to consider…

You have a coop full of chickens and you’re wondering if it’s time to set out on the adventure of selling farm fresh eggs. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons that come along with the decision to sell chicken eggs 

Raising Pheasants: 5 Things I Didn’t Know

Raising Pheasants: 5 Things I Didn’t Know

My husband has always wanted to raise pheasants. Since we are usually game to try anything once, we started our research, prepared their space, and ordered some pheasant chicks. But there were many things I didn’t know before raising pheasants that were made abundantly clear 

Can you Open the Incubator During Lockdown?

Can you Open the Incubator During Lockdown?

How exciting! You’ve got eggs set to hatch in a few days and you’re very (im)patiently waiting. Lockdown has hit…and now, for some reason—oh no!—you need to open the incubator! But what are you to do? All the books and blogs and forums have told 

We Don’t Use Chick Starter: Three Reasons Why

We Don’t Use Chick Starter: Three Reasons Why

In true rebel farm(ish) girl style, I thought I should let you in on a little secret: We don’t use chick starter at our farm and we haven’t for years. I’m not telling you that you shouldn’t feed starter. I’m telling you that we don’t feed