139: Starting Seeds – 11 Things I’ve Learned

139: Starting Seeds – 11 Things I’ve Learned

I am not an expert at gardening, nor do I know everything about how to start seeds. But I will share with you 11 things I have learned about starting seeds while we’ve been here at the homestead. Hopefully some of these tips will be 

068: How to Grow a Year’s Worth of Food (with Melissa K Norris)

068: How to Grow a Year’s Worth of Food (with Melissa K Norris)

Many people think I’m a gardener but here on the homestead, the chickens, pigs, ducks, turkeys, and other animals are really my forte. When it comes to gardening, I’m little more than a toss some seeds at the ground and hope for the best kind 

The Only Way a Garden Saves Money

The Only Way a Garden Saves Money

As a homesteader there is nothing more satisfying than looking down at a plate of food you have raised yourself. Don’t you just love when your salad is made of homegrown greens? Or when you’re eating garden fresh salsa made from ingredients you harvested by 

How To Build a Garden Gate

How To Build a Garden Gate

Choosing to fence a garden means you need a gate to get in. Here’s how to build a simple garden gate using a nifty tool called a Kreg Jig.

Green Tomatoes: How to Ripen…or Eat!

Green Tomatoes: How to Ripen…or Eat!

When it’s time to clean out your garden for the year, you might be left with a lot of green tomatoes. What in the world do you do with green tomatoes? Well, you have a couple different options… Green Tomatoes: Ripen Them! If you’re one 

Black Plastic Mulch: Weed Free Gardening

Black Plastic Mulch: Weed Free Gardening

A couple years ago, after a sob session about my very large garden once again being taken over by weeds, a friend shared with me her tactic for keeping a weed free garden for over 20 years: black plastic mulch. We decided to try it 

Honey Badger Gloves: Gardening With Claws

Honey Badger Gloves: Gardening With Claws

So, I’ve got something here that makes me feel a little bit rockstar in the garden. Gloves with claws, y’all. GLOVES. WITH. CLAWS. I was sent a pair of Honey Badger Gloves gloves in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are mine because yo, 

Seeds for Generations: An Amazing Family Business

Seeds for Generations: An Amazing Family Business

I love to hear stories about families working together, so a family business that works to provide heirloom seeds for your garden certainly catches my attention. Enter the fabulous folks at Seeds for Generations. I recently talked to Jason at Seeds for Generations about the