242: The benefit of first impressions
This is about you realizing you’re a lot of different things, but you don’t have to be everything all at once. You are what you are right now
This is about you realizing you’re a lot of different things, but you don’t have to be everything all at once. You are what you are right now
You’re online, creating and consuming content. Podcasts. Videos. Social media posts. Let me ask you a question: DO YOU KNOW WHY?
For those of you stressing out about how much you’re doing or how it all fits with “homesteading”, this piece is all the perspective you need. <3
Today is a possibly uncomfortable truth bomb view on the whole concept of what high school gave us a glimpse of.
Families change as time marches on. Are you waiting for someone else to step forward and keep your extended family connected? Maybe you’re the one who needs to step forward.
Today’s episode offers a little rant about the holidays, but also asks an important question (and gives a couple solutions) to help us with this sometimes frustrating and overwhelming time of year.
The path I talk about will mean different things to different people. But hopefully this will be helpful to anyone who listens/reads these words.
Today I’ve got two random lessons that I’ve learned on the homestead lately that I thought maybe you could learn something from, too. One was brought on by a ridiculous task I’ve taken on in my office—one that was supposed to be easy. The other is something I learned while checking out my struggling garden.
Deep thoughts on a certain something we hear from our parents that we don’t understand until we have kids of our own.
Thoughts on “the way things were” and how we tend to live in every moment except for the one we’re in. What you’re doing right now? You will look back on this, too.