301: The Cycle of Information… and Life

301: The Cycle of Information… and Life

Today we’re diving into something I like to call the “life cycle of information platforms”. Because here’s the thing: platforms like ebooks, podcasting, blogging, YouTube, social media platforms (and more) undergo a predictable cycle of rise, saturation, and decline. But this episode isn’t just about technology—it’s a reflection of life itself.

278: Don’t Be Fooled: “Savings” That Actually COST You Money

278: Don’t Be Fooled: “Savings” That Actually COST You Money

Are you falling for the illusion of savings that are actually draining your wallet? Let’s delve into common scenarios where what seems like a good deal is actually costing you more money in the long run.

262: Easier isn’t always better

262: Easier isn’t always better

I like to call this “Amy, you need to remedy this previously remedied situation”, otherwise known as “what happens when you backslide from financial attentiveness”.