301: The Cycle of Information… and Life

301: The Cycle of Information… and Life

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I started my website in 2009. I published my first book in 2012. I started my podcast in 2018. YouTube joined my to-do list somewhere in there.

In today’s episode of the Farmish Kind of Life podcast, we’re diving into something I like to call the “life cycle of information platforms”. Because here’s the thing: platforms like ebooks, podcasting, blogging, YouTube, social media platforms (and more) undergo a predictable cycle of rise, saturation, and decline.

Creators and audiences alike perpetuate this cycle. So, today we’re talking about some of the reasons behind these shifts — like oversaturation, creator burnout, and audience fatigue. Platforms initially attract users with low barriers to entry and easy-to-use tools, leading to an absolute flood of content. However, as competition increases, it becomes harder for creators to stand out, which leads to both a decline in content quality AND audience interest.

But this episode isn’t just about technology—it’s a reflection of us as people and of life itself. All this tech talk absolutely holds lessons about life cycles and patterns. Put your thinking cap on and let’s dig in. (Main topic starts at 8:54)


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