a big ol’ sigh (itty bitty thought)

a big ol’ sigh (itty bitty thought)

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Yesterday my oldest and I played Rummy and listened to Christmas music

because that’s called “making the best of it”

when you get dumped on with 8ish inches of snow before Halloween.

(Sigh. Big ol’ sigh.)

We got a pretty early snowstorm yesterday, which has us tossin' out all the big ol' sighs. But here's there thing about big ol' sighs. #perspective

My spaghetti sauce simmered on the stove and I rounded up jars for canning

and I packaged the last of my dried sage

and I checked on the onions and potatoes in storage and

every time I looked up from my to-do list

I wondered if it was done snowing

but it wasn’t,

it was just snowing harder.

Big. Ol’. Sigh.


And I get that this is Minnesota and that we’re all about the snow,

but really,

this much snow on top of Halloween decorations

this much snow when the trees still have leaves

this much snow before the pigs are butchered

this much snow when the corn around us is still standing

is flat out weird.

It’s been almost 100 years since we’ve had 

anything near this amount of snow this early in the year.

And so,

I give a big ol’ sigh.

We got a pretty early snowstorm yesterday, which has us tossin' out all the big ol' sighs. But here's there thing about big ol' sighs. #perspective

The dogs think it’s great.

The kittens, who step into the snow that’s taller than them, don’t.

I’m not sure how I feel about the snow.

It is what it is.

Mostly, a big ol’ sigh. 


Online I post a picture and immediately, it’s

must be nice to have snow, it’s still 289723452345 degrees where I am.


must be nice to have snow, it’s dryer than a popcorn fart where I am.

and it never ceases to amaze me how

any mention of the weather makes

the Mother Nature competitions kick in.

Big. ol. sigh.

We got a pretty early snowstorm yesterday, which has us tossin' out all the big ol' sighs. But here's there thing about big ol' sighs. #perspective

I shovel and haul water to animals.

I spend ten minutes looking for the one stray kitten I can’t find

and then wonder if he’s under the snow somewhere

because he’s always boppin’ around the yard

not paying attention

and who knew we were going to get this much snow?

I hope he’s not under the snow.

And then he pops out from under the corn crib and bounces




through the drifts

to his (also stray) mama

and food dish and insulated house in the Quonset hut.

Dang it, little kitten.

Why you do that to me?

Big ol’ sigh.




The truth is

there can be

big ol’ sighs of frustration

and big ol’ sighs of exhaustion

but there can also be

big ol’ sighs of contentment.


Such as the one I gave

when I came down the stairs this morning

to find a container of freshly baked cookies

because my oldest decided that

if it’s gonna snow like it’s Christmas

we should bake like it’s Christmas.


And I think

(as I eat a cookie)

that snow is snow

and it is what it is

and sometimes it comes without warning.

And what actually matters

(the same as a day that’s too hot) 

is what kind of big ol’ sigh

it puts in your lungs.


  – Amy Dingmann, 10-21-20

Bookmark ITTY BITTY THOUGHTS and come back to check out what I post tomorrow! I’d love your thoughts on today’s post in a comment below or via email at [email protected].

We got a pretty early snowstorm yesterday, which has us tossin' out all the big ol' sighs. But here's there thing about big ol' sighs. #perspective



11 thoughts on “a big ol’ sigh (itty bitty thought)”

  • It is what it is, is right. Here in Ohio this week we’ll have a nearly 30 degree increase and then a 30 degree decrease in temperature. My sinuses are exploding. But the leaves are pretty and there are things that need done. Make the best of it and carry on!

  • I love the snow. Mostly when I don’t have to go out in it. Where I live, we haven’t had much for several years now and I miss it. When I don’t have to go out in it.

  • Around here, we like the saying that goes, “If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life but the same amount of snow.” Here’s to more joy!

  • We don’t have snow in southern Wisconsin yet but I don’t envy you all 8 inches of the white stuff.. it sounds like you are making the best of it which is good because in my experience, snow makes everything harder, especially chores. Eat another cookie and have a glass of eggnog because you will need the energy for all the extra work that will most likely need to be done outside.. Take care and don’t get stuck in a snow drift..

    • It certainly was more than they predicted! I told my friends it was probably my fault we got as much as we did because I woke up thinking there is NO WAY we will get the 3-5 inches they are predicting, and even if we do, most of it will melt as soon as it hits the ground.

      Ha. Ha. Ha. O_o

      I’m off to have another cookie.

  • It really IS up to us, isn’t it: to decide what matters & what doesn’t? I try hard to never judge the quality of a day by the weather . . . but I DO understand the real hardships it can bring to farmers.

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